Creative Touch, The Oval Massage Table, healing in harmony with the earth's circular flow of life and energy.
Healing in harmony
with the earth's
circular flow of
life and energy.
Creative Touch, The Oval Massage Table, healing in harmony with the earth's circular flow of life and energy.

The Oval Massage Table

Since ancient times the circle has been regarded as a symbol of life and has been used to provide an understanding of how to achieve harmony between nature and one's own spirit. Now there is a massage table design that captures the sacred nature of the circle. Reflecting the belief that all power and energy moves along a circular path, the Oval massage table, allows you to work in harmony with that flow as you move easily around the massage table. The quality of our craftsmanship and our attention to detail assure your client's comfort and well being. This allows you to focus on your work with complete peace of mind.
More information on the massage table, The Oval by Creative Touch
Massage Table, The Oval by Creative Touch
The Oval Massage Table

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