Creative Touch, The Oval Massage Table, healing in harmony with the earth's circular flow of life and energy.
Healing in harmony
with the earth's
circular flow of
life and energy.
Creative Touch, The Oval Massage Table, healing in harmony with the earth's circular flow of life and energy.

The Oval Massage Table table bolsters and cushions

We offer a complete line of bolsters made with environmentaly friendly, CFC free foam. Our jumbo half round and full round bolster are our most popular and versatile boosters, and when placed under the knees, ankles or neck, help relieve muscle strain. our fluffly bolster is stuffed with ultra-soft dacron and is favored by those with circulation problems.
Our specialty bolsters are designed to meet the needs of all your clients.
available in doeskin and duratouch.
massage table bolster, by Creative Touch
massage table bolsters by The Oval Table
a. jumbo round - 9 inches x 26 inches - $30

b. fluffy - 8 inches x 26 inches - $29

c. peak - 24 inches x 8.5 inches x 7 inches - $27

d. full round - 6 inches x 26 inches - $25

e. jumbo half round - 9 inches x 29 inches - $26

f. full half round - 6 inches x 13 inches - $20

g. neck -6 inches x 26 inches - $15

h. angle - 19.5 inches x 27 inches - $55

i. neck contour - 13 inches x 6 inches x 3 inches - $13

$25 extra for DuraTouch on all bolsters & cushions.
Order Massage Table bolster from Creative Touch Call 1-(800) 441-6759 or Email [email protected]
the quality, craftsmanship and our attention to detail assure your client's comfort and well being, allowing  you to focus on your work with complete peace of mind.
